

We welcome contributions to the repository. To find things we’re currently looking for help with, check out the open issues.

If you discover a bug or have an idea, for an improvement, open an issue.

If you add something you think would be useful to others, submit a pull request. All code should be fully documented. If a function must be public to be used by another class, but is not required for the user API, the documentation should be surrounded by \internal & \endinternal tags so that it will not appear in the public API documentation. You can check your documentation by building the documentation locally

Code reviews will be required for all pull requests, but we currently do not perform unit testing.

See a full list of the contributors and their contributions here.

Testing & validation

Although unit tests are not required, there will soon be a set of examples that should produce a valid simulation with outputs that will be described here.

Release checklist

These requirements must be met before a new release is made. A new release will be made when a pull request is merged to the master branch.

  • Verify tests and examples work. (In the future, this will be autmated with continuous integration on GitHub.)

  • Check that all documentation is updated.

  • Update version number. Right now, it has to be manually update in multiple places (which will be consolidated in the future):

    • CMakeLists.txt VERSION in project

    • release


  • Update the citation information for Zenoda/bibtex. (link, release date, etc.)

  • Update changelog: move “Unreleased” to new version.

  • Add any new contributors to

  • Submit a pull request to merge the changes to the master branch.

  • Create release on Github. (This will automatically create a new Stable and version-numbered documentation version on Read The Docs.)

Building documentation (locally)

Build the HTML documentation: (Requires Doxygen and Sphinx to be installed.)

$ make docs

This will automatically build the documentation and save the results to build/docs/sphinx. For anything undocumented, you will see a warning printed in the console. You can view the compiled documentation by opening build/docs/sphinx/index.html.

The latest full documentation is automatically generated and published on Read The Docs.

Documentation will be automatically generated when a pull request is merged to the master branch (as “latest”), and new releases will produce version-tagged documentation.

Debugging and profiling tips

These are some helpful tips for local development.

Performance profiling

Do this to figure out what functions are taking up the most time in the code.

To profile with gprof you need to run a different cmake command (from the build folder):


This will generate a file called gmon.out. You can create an analysis with:

$ gprof gridbots_decisions gmon.out  > analysis.txt

Memory profiling

You can use valgrind to profile memory usage. This is also useful for tracking down the source of runtime errors (like segfaults).

Instead of running your code as (for example) ./bin/kilosim_demo, run it as:

$ valgrind --tools=memcheck --leak-chck=yes ./kilosim_demo

Additional notes

This documentation was built to Sphinx/Read The Docs from the existing Doxygen documentation following this guide.