
class Kilosim::World

The World provides the base environment for running simulations. It represents a two-dimensional bounded arena for simulating Kilobots.

The user can configure the World dimensions and the monochrome light intensity at every point in the World (with a LightPattern), and add Robots to the World to simulate.

After initial configuration, the simulation is run simply by invoking the step() method, which processes a single time step (1/32 second, by default) for all Robots.

References to a World are used by both the Logger (to save information about the Robots during simulation) and the Viewer (to visualize the simulation).

It manages fixed-step simulated control over all Robots placed in it.

Public Functions

World(const double arena_width, const double arena_height, const std::string light_pattern_src = "", const uint32_t num_threads = 0)

Construct a world of a fixed size with the background light pattern

  • arena_width – Width of the rectangular World/arena in mm

  • arena_height – Height of the rectangular World/arena in mm

  • light_pattern_src – Name of image file of the light pattern to use. Aspect ratio should match the arena, but no specific resolution is mandated. If no light_pattern_src is provided (empty string), the background will be black.

  • num_threads – How many threads to parallelize the simulation over. If set to 0 (default), dynamic threading will be used.

void step()

Run a step of the simulator. This runs the controllers, communication, pseudo-physics, and movement for all Robots. It also increments the tick time.

This is what you should call in your main function to run the simulation.

bool has_light_pattern() const

Check whether the World has a light pattern image set


Whether LightPattern has an image source

void set_light_pattern(const std::string light_img_src)

Set the world’s light pattern using the given image file. The image type must be supported by SFML’s Image::loadFromFile


light_img_src – Name and location of the image file to use for light pattern

void add_robot(Robot *robot)

Add a robot to the world by its pointer.


It is possible right now to add a Robot twice, so be careful.

void remove_robot(Robot *robot)

Remove a robot from the world by its pointer

TODO: remove_robot is currently unimplemented…


…I haven’t implemented this yet.

uint16_t get_tick_rate() const

Get the tick rate (should be 32 by default, if not changed by user).


Number of simulation ticks per second of real-world (wall clock) time

void set_tick_rate(const uint16_t tick_rate)

Set the tick rate of the simulation (how many ticks per second are simulated).


tick_rate – Number of simulation ticks per second of real-world (wall clock) time

uint32_t get_tick() const

Get the current tick of the simulation (only set by simulator)


Number of ticks since simulation started

double get_time() const

Get the current computed time in seconds (from tick and tickRate)


Time since simulation started (in seconds)

std::vector<Robot*> &get_robots()

Get a reference to a vector of pointers to all robots in the world. This is useful for Logger and Viewer functions, but you likely won’t need to use it as an end-user.


All the Robots added to the world

std::vector<double> get_dimensions() const

Get the dimensions of the world (in mm)


2-element [width, height] vector of dimensions in mm

void check_validity() const

Check that the world is in a valid state. (i.e., all Robots in the World are within the arena bounds, and none are overlapping).


If you want to allow intersections, you can just not call this.


std::runtime_error – if any robots are out of bounds or overlapping